“Born on a mountain top in Tennessee,
Greenest state in the land of the free.
Raised in the woods so’s he knew every tree,Killed him a bear when he was only three …
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier.”
From the song, Battle of Davy Crockett, theme song for the Disney series. For the complete lyrics to this 1950s song, click here.
Davy Crockett (or David, as he liked to call himself) was a larger-than-life American folk hero that was forever immortalized by Disney in the 1950s.
The song exaggerates a bit: He never killed a bear when he was three years old (although Crockett wrote that he killed as many as 105 bears in one year), or ride on a streak of lightening. But still, Davy Crockett’s legendary bravery and exploits are forever burned in our collective memories.
In truth, Davy Crockett lived his motto: “Be sure you’re right, then go ahead.”
Crockett Log Homes® was named in 1973 after this American hero and legend. The name embodies a spirit of America that many of us still aspire to: hard work, honesty, a dedication to family and country, and a sense of adventure.
These are also the qualities that we, at Crockett Log and Timber Homes®, also aspire to. Our log homes — made from 100% home-grown timber – are rugged, sustainable and made with old-fashioned American values and craftsmanship.
(Living in one may even inspire you to wear a coonskin hat.)
Read more about Davy Crockett, below:
Davy Crockett, a Short Biography
Davy (David) Crockett, born in Tennessee in 1786, was a frontiersman and military scout known for his skill in marksmanship, hunting and storytelling. He ran away from home at the age of 13 and chose a life of work over schooling and was proud of what he accomplished. While he fought in the Indian Wars, he later became a Tennessee congressman and opposed American Indian removal and land grabbing policies of Jackson administration. He lost his third term in 1831 because of his passionate opposition. But that did not stop him from doing what he through was right.
He volunteered to serve as a member of the Texas rebel militia fighting for independence from Mexico. He died in Texas in the historic siege at the Alamo in 1836, fighting to the bitter end, a hero and legend.