Finishing The Foundation
As we prepared to move forward with our home, a very common question was asked, “Should we go with a full foundation or can we build on a slab?”
The answer is: It depends on your land. Sometimes your land is not practical for a slab. If you are building on a slope, it just might be less expensive to cut into the land and have the foundation. A sloped piece of property would require bringing in extra fill to level the property and then add in the cost of frost footers.
Building on a slab requires a footer to be below the frost line.
When not building with a full foundation, the location of mechanicals such as hot water heater, furnace, well tank, etc. all need to be placed within your living space – often taking an area 8’x10′.
The walls of our Structural Panel Home went up fast! Just one day and they are set. Learn more about SIPs here on our website.
Roof System
So many options! From a SIP roof to conventional framing to engineered trusses. Our homeowner chose a combination of engineered trusses and conventional framing. Here’s the reason:
This home is a ranch style and in the center section of the home which is the Great Room, the homeowner wanted an open feeling with a cathedral ceiling. Using conventional framing in this area allows for a higher ceiling than an engineered truss would provide.
Engineered trusses work perfectly above the remaining bedrooms and bathrooms where a flat ceiling is the norm.